Archive for October, 2007


authors: BEIRUT for THE TAKE AWAY SHOWS from LA BLOGOTHEQUE – duration: 05:37

We wouldn’t be surprised if many of you remember the revlog we did of TOM BROSSEAU, singing with his beautiful hair-raising voice in a macho New York barbershop. Now for those of you who don’t: All this fantastic material is shot and produced by Les Concerts A Emporter, aka THE TAKE AWAY SHOWS and to be more precise: By Vincent Moon and Chryde as part of their French weblog LA BLOGOTHEQUE. The idea is as sweet and simple:

“You meet a band. You take them outside, in the streets, and ask them to play there, shoot the movie in one unique shot, whatever happens… Every week, we give away a session, shot with a band, in an unusual, urban environment. Sessions are always filmed as a unique shot, without any cut, recorded live. We usually haven’t much time to record them, so the groups have to be spontaneous, to improvise, play with what they have with them, and with their environment, whether there’s a public or not.”

Well… this particular posting is very very extra ordinary. For anybody unknown to the new rising star and soon to be legendary ZACH CONDON & his band BEIRUT we vehemently advice to go check them out. For those of you who already know: Enjoy this one… Take it away Zach! As Chryde writes:

“…Today, Beirut has grown from a solo bedroom project to a band of up to ten people; it’s a band, but not a band. It’s a happy mistake; a mess. A group of noisy, undisciplined, joyful people who took over an entire terrace on Oberkampf, gathering around the tables, spreading their instruments and cases, everyone playing songs in their own world… Such a messy, smiling anarchy that we thought we’d never manage to play the song.

And in the middle, there’s Zach. Frail Zach, with his skinny yet magical arms. One can read his excitement in them, as he communicates to his band through them; a conductor, pointing to instruments and melodies as he sees momentum gather in the song. this had been one of the first times the band had played Nantes outside of the studio, and Zach looked as if he was explaining the song to his band as he was singing it, his arms dancing around his body.”

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
The Take Away Shows (English): CLICK HERE
Les Concerts A Emporter (French): CLICK HERE
BEIRUT (fantastic music – check it out): CLICK HERE
More on Zach Condon: CLICK HERE
Subscribe to The Take Away Show (English): CLICK HERE
Subscribe to The Take Away Show (French): CLICK HERE


authors: WRECK & SALVAGE – duration: 03:19

It’s REVOLUTION TIME @ United Vloggers. Our Brethren from WRECK & SALVAGE did it again (and more in particular, magic mixmaster AARON VALDEZ). Only published yesterday and already an instant classic & Milestone in Videoblogging… It is strongly recommended to drink or smoke a little something beforehand. Or what the heck, stay sober & unite! And please do subscribe to these revolutionaries. For further links see below.

“…The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind…. Whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish A NEW GOVERNMENT.”

Mail us your Milestones @ submissions[at]unitedvloggers[dot]com

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
Wreck & Salvage: CLICK HERE
Wreck & Salvage Front Office: CLICK HERE
Subscribe to Wreck & Salvage: CLICK HERE


author: DAVE HUTH – duration: 01:37

“We reap what we sow”…That’s all there is to say according to Dave Huth about his latest video. We revlogged one of his works before (CLICK HERE) for we do believe Dave Huth is a true vlog talent. But with this particular posting he promises to be up for another VLOGGIE this year. We just say Wow! Watch Dave’s daughter GLADIOLA proclaim a new revolution: All Toddlers Unite!

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
90 Seconds of Dave (Vlog): CLICK HERE
More from Dave Huth: CLICK HERE
Subscribe to 90 Seconds of Dave: CLICK HERE


author: WESTACRE TV – duration: 02:52

Smartly written, very well acted and terribly witty. We hereby proclaim WestAcre TV, “the Greatest Story of the Mall”, to be VERY FUNNY INDEED. Thus being said you are kindly invited to subscribe to their RSS FEED and enjoy their latest episodes. Moreover, pay their site a visit and watch all episodes from the start, for it is a series that grows on you; the more you watch it, the better it gets.

Honestly inspired by THE OFFICE and the working experience at a Mall of writer and director Patrick Swinnea, it tells the story of… “the comical goings-on of the WestAcre Centre Shopping Mall employees. We originally created a single 80-minute MOVIE, looked at the exciting things happening in video podcasting and realized that WestAcre was perfect material for an episodic series. So we segmented the entire movie into WestAcre TV: Season 1, letting anyone watch it with the click of a button and allowing WestAcre to evolve according to viewer response. Best of all, it opens up the possibility for future WestAcre shorts and WestAcre TV: Season 2, all things that weren’t even possible just a few years ago.”

It’s the weekend, Go have a guffaw!

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
Vote for WestAcre @ Funny or Die: CLICK HERE
Subscribe to WestAcre TV: CLICK HERE