authors: NAOMI KLEIN, ALFONSO CUARÓN & JONÁS CUARÓN – duration: 06:47
It is with some hesitation that we present you this short film by Alfonso Cuarón and Naomi Klein, directed by Alfonso’s son Jonás Cuarón. For sure the film is a cunning marketing tool; after watching it you might want to acquire the BOOK with the same title. Besides that, it’s not user generated material; it is made by a young film director who appears to be the son of his well known father filmmaker Alfonso. But we endorse Klein’s theory and think it’s worth sharing.
“When I finished The Shock Doctrine, I sent it to Alfonso Cuarón because I adore his films and felt that the future he created for Children of Men was very close to the present I was seeing in disaster zones. I was hoping he would send me a quote for the book jacket and instead he pulled together this amazing team of artists — including Jonás Cuarón who directed and edited — to make The Shock Doctrine short film. It was one of those blessed projects where everything felt fated.”
– Naomi Klein
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Naomi Klein: CLICK HERE
More on Klein (Wikipedia): CLICK HERE
More on Alfonso Cuarón: CLICK HERE
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A filmclip as fascist as the doctrine it claims to expose. Bwaargh!
If you’re interested in the content of this short film, then you should certainly watch the films of Adam Curtis,
especially the Power of Nightmares – Rating 9.2
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