author: DANNY ELFMAN for OURĀ GREATEST FEAR – duration: 0:40
It’s D-Day. A final warning…
Famous Hollywood composer Danny Elfmann has worked on a lot of creepy movies (most of them by Tim Burton). But in a new ad produced for the last week of the presidential election, he reveals his greatest fear: a President Palin.
“These are troubled times in a volatile world. With unprecedented crises at home and abroad, we need sound judgment and a steady hand to lead the most powerful nation on Earth,” the ad begins, echoing some of the gravitas-laden ads targeting Barack Obama’s inexperience. But Elfmann’s ad takes a twist: “John McCain’s age and continuing battle with cancer makes the liklihood of him not completing his term higher than any president in American history. President Sarah Palin. Think about it.”
Danny Elfman @ Sony: CLICK HERE
Danny Elfman @ Wikipedia: CLICK HERE
Link to the original posting: CLICK HERE
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