authors: HOMETOWN BAGHDAD. Main Characters: ADEL, AUSAMA & SAIF – duration: 01:55
Today’s Headlines: Nearly 200 people have been killed today in a string of attacks in Iraq’s capital, Baghdad – the worst day of violence since a US security operation began. BBC REPORTS
As we are completely disgusted by the horrid slaughter taking place in Iraq, day in day out, we praise the brave Iraqis who are trying to give us an insight into the total madness that is surrounding them. We focused before on ALIVE IN BAGHDAD; today we revlog Hometown Baghdad’s first posting Forbidden Salad.
“In this episode Ausama introduces his family and their questionably heretical eating habits…. Hometown Baghdad is a documentary web series following the lives of a few Iraqi 20-somethings trying to survive in Baghdad… They want to show the world what life is like when your hometown is a war-zone…. Hometown Baghdad is a co-production between NY-based CHAT THE PLANET and a group of Iraqi filmmakers in Baghdad.”
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