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author: JAY DEDMAN – duration: 01:33

There was a time, long long ago, let’s say spring 2005, when videoblogging was as fresh as daisy. There was no YouTube, no Revver and the like; just a bunch of crazy video fanatics who discovered the beauty of publishing video on the net, using the technology that was already there: The technology of the weblog template in combination with RSS WITH ENCLOSURES. One of the founding fathers of videoblogging is Jay Dedman. Here’s how he introduced his own vlog, Momentshowing:

“What is Momentshowing? Well, it’s just a step beyond Storytelling, which was what we did when speaking was the only way to communicate. Now we are adding visual tools to our voices. You can record short Moments, arrange them, and post them with some words. I can then see people all over this planet show their world. Iraq, for instance. Michigan. Shinjuku. San Paulo. What’s it look like? News doesn’t show us but we can show each other. Funny, serious, weird. To me, this videoblogging thing is hot as shit. How often do you get to come in on something so new? My friend Peter and I jumped in after a two hour fevered talk through Central Park. Then we found other people on the web with simliar ideas. Make no mistake: we’re making all this up.”

We republished one of his earlier works before, LOOKING AT THINGS; today, because it’s spring (and exactly two years after this moment was posted) we revlog an early hommage to the love of his life, RYANNE HODSON.

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
Jay’s site – Momentshowing: CLICK HERE
More about Jay: CLICK HERE
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