Tag Archive for 'wreck'


authors: WRECK & SALVAGE – duration: 03:19

It’s REVOLUTION TIME @ United Vloggers. Our Brethren from WRECK & SALVAGE did it again (and more in particular, magic mixmaster AARON VALDEZ). Only published yesterday and already an instant classic & Milestone in Videoblogging… It is strongly recommended to drink or smoke a little something beforehand. Or what the heck, stay sober & unite! And please do subscribe to these revolutionaries. For further links see below.

“…The doctrine of nonresistance against arbitrary power, and oppression, is absurd, slavish, and destructive of the good and happiness of mankind…. Whenever the ends of government are perverted, and public liberty manifestly endangered, and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought to reform the old, or establish A NEW GOVERNMENT.”

Mail us your Milestones @ submissions[at]unitedvloggers[dot]com

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
Wreck & Salvage: CLICK HERE
Wreck & Salvage Front Office: CLICK HERE
Subscribe to Wreck & Salvage: CLICK HERE


author: AARON VALDEZ – duration: 02:00

From the personal vault of one of the guys from WRECK & SALVAGE we revlog this techno homage to the RADIO DRAMA that once was. Buckle up gerauschmachers!

“Aaron Valdez is a film and video artist originally from Houston, Texas currently doing time in Iowa City, Iowa.”

Permalink to the original posting: CLICK HERE
Subscribe to Valdezatron Industries: CLICK HERE
Aaron Valdez’s main site: CLICK HERE

Aaron Valdez’s other projects:

LOST IN LIGHT“Lost in Light is a videoblog about small gauge filmmaking featuring weekly posts of home movies, work by artists, articles by preservationists and film scholars, video tutorials and other film gems.”

BLANDLANDS“Blandlands is about the places we all live. The places we’ve all seen. The places we park and walk by. The places we want to be and dream of seeing.”