author: CLARK SATURN – ZIP ZAP ZOP – duration: 02:37
Ok, we’re back and here to stay. And as you can see we are reinforced with fresh troops. Welcome Paul Alexander & Bicyclemark! To celebrate that and more we hereby start our new series: MILESTONES IN VIDEOBLOGGING. From now on, every week, we’ll be posting a video that, as the title suggests, is according to one of you a landmark in videoblogging. The one video that made the difference to you, that inspired the hell out of you or just made you laugh sillily.
You are kindly invited to send us a link, if possible a permalink to the original file, and scribble a few lines why you’ve chosen that particular post. Like the FIRST TEST Jay Dedman did in NYC with Peter van Dijck for instance. Or Michael Verdi NAKED. Or Josh Leo’s FIRST RANT. We would really appreciate if you would send us your loved ones to:
Our first gem from the Vaults of the Vlog was published by the true and only Vlogfather Clark Saturn on ZipZapZop on November the 11th at 11:15 am.
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