Tag Archive for 'san mateo ecovillage'


authors: RYANNE HODSON and JAY DEDMAN – duration: 09:54

A Word of Warning: This is a graphic video. If you do not eat meat and think killing animals is bad, you should not watch this video.

So you like chicken eh? We continue cooking time on UV with a revlog from the other two early birdy mothervloggers Ryanne Hodson & Jay Dedman. Besides being very lovely and friendly people they are certainly no hypocrites. As they write:

“We live at The San Mateo Eco-Village, where we know our neighbors, garden together and learn how to live more sustainably. Part of living sustainably is eating local foods. Harvesting food from the garden and raising hens for eggs is about as local as you can get. When our neighbors Amy and Malaki arrived at the Eco-Village, they noticed a lack of eggs coming from the hens. Both have an agricultural background from years of working on a farm in Kenya. What do they do in Kenya when a bird gets too old to lay? They eat it. The whole damn thing! So we, as a community, decided to do just that. Most of us had never experienced living with chickens, let alone killing them for dinner. Growing up in the United States allows us to be vastly ignorant of where our food comes from- meat and vegetables alike. We thought this would be a good education for us city kids.”

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