author: MEMRI TV – duration: 02:57
And now, for something completely different…
We probably shouldn’t revlog this clip since it is coming from television. Furthermore, this clip was selected, translated and published by MEMRI TV, officially an independent Middle East research institute, publishing a.o. numerous translations of Arab and Persian media. They are one of the few websites in the world translating media from the Muslim world in to English. At the same time Memri is being subject to heavy criticism (read this ARTICLE in the Guardian for instance). Basically Memri is accused for being biased, for being pro Israel that is, because they would deliberately choose the most appalling and shocking clips. That may very well be the case, but the translations they do are very well done even according to their most serious critics.
On January 7, 2006, HAMAS launched its experimental TV channel, “Al-Aqsa” (also the name of its radio station). A senior Hamas operative stated that it would aspire to disseminate Hamas’s messages to the Palestinian people and the world at large (AP from Gaza, January 9). Watch this segment of an interview with the children of Palestinian suicide bomber Rim Al-Riyashi, which aired on Al-Aqsa TV on March 8, 2007. And cry…
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