Tag Archive for 'madge'


author: MADGE WEINSTEIN, also known as RICHARD BLUESTEIN – duration: 02:33

From our Beloved Bloated Lesbian Vagemite Madge Weinstein comes this strong performance; please enjoy. Madge suffers heavily from YEAST & PROLAPSE, so you may have to take that into account. Madge is also known as Richard Bluestein, who happens to be a dear friend.

Richard produces an incredible quantity of audio and video podcasts and even manages to make a living out of it (he is shareholder @ PODSHOW). We spoke to him before on UV and revlogged two of his works before (CLICK HERE). Oh Madge, how we love thee & thy lyps!

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Yeast Radio (audio + some video): CLICK HERE
Insane Films (vlog): CLICK HERE
Madge on Podshow: CLICK HERE
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